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R&D Engineers(several)
Time:2019-03-13 14:56    Source:未知    Author:admin    View:
Job requirements::
1. Master’s degree or above, major in electromechanics or science and engineering
2. More than 3-year experience of technological R&D in PV manufacturing enterprise; 
3. Be familiar with the technical improvement and innovation process, familiar with the introduction and promotion of new technologies, be able to propose and solve technical problems, carry out technological innovation either independently or by leading the team;
4. Good data analysis ability.
5. Has a logical mind with the abilities of good planning, organization, communication, coordination, judgment, decision-making and leadership, have good learning abilities, innovation abilities and innovation consciousness, and have good professional ethics such as integrity, dedication.
1. Be responsible for the introduction and application of new technologies, new products, new equipment and new materials;
2 Be responsible for the design, organization and conduction of process test and analysis of the test results;
3. Put forward and organize the implementation of technological innovation projects according to the technological innovation in our company and worldwide; 
4. Fulfill the work assigned by the leaders.
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