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    LDK“210mm Casting mono Wafer ”has won the Highest Award--Terawatt Diamond Award of the Top Ten Highlights of SNEC2020
    Time:2020-08-10 17:41    Source:LDK Group    Author:Chairman's Office    View:
           The three-day 14th (2020) Shanghai SNEC PV Exhibition was successfully completed on Aug.10th. LDK “210mm Casting mono Wafer” (Lush Mountains series LM6) has won the highest award---Terawatt Diamond Award of the Top Ten Highlights of SNEC2020. Dinghuan Shi, the former Counselor of the State Council, former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chairman of China Renewable Energy Society presented enterprises who won the Terawatt Diamond Award an award. The representative of LDK Group Liang he, deputy director of LDK R&D Center accepted the award.
           It is reported that the higher power of single large-size 210mm casting mono wafer (Lush Mountains series LM6) decrease the production cost of wafer, cell and module per watt. PV module made by LM6 provides higher power, which means lower BOS cost and LCOE. large-size 210mm casting mono wafer conform to the PV market trend of larger size. Larger size silicon wafer means more cost-effective, more favorable for cost reduction, higher efficiency, and stronger market competitiveness. The large-size 210mm series casting mono can strengthen the competitiveness of users, and also play a positive role in promoting the PV industry to realize " grid parity ".
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